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RAT FAN CLUB DISCUSSION FORUM CHAT ROOM CHAT IS OPEN Even if our forum is down from time to time (whether on purpose or as the result of a server problem), chat is usually still up and running, since it lives on another server. There are a number of ways to access the chat room. 1. Click on the "chat" button on the main page of the forum. 2. Go to the goosemoose.com/rfc/chat.htm, and enter via the applet on the page. 3. Go to everywherechat.com and enter via the host's site. The room name is #rfc -- since the room is set to secret to keep out trolls, you will not find it listed. Trolls are NOT welcome, and are dealt with harshly. 4.
Use a chat client, such as mirc,
ircle, or Trillian. CHAT ROOM GUIDELINES 1. The chat room is FAMILY ORIENTED, no matter WHO is or is not in the room. Use common sense. If you would not bring up the topic on the forum, knowing the staff would delete it, lock it, or say something to you about it, it DOES NOT belong in chat. The FORUM GROUND RULES apply to the chat room, therefore BOTH are rated PG. Those who routinely break the rules may lose chat priveleges entirely. 2. If you are going to be away from your keyboard (afk) for more than an hour, please log out. People who idle for over an hour will be kicked from the room by the chat operators (ops). Exception: Chat Administrators and Operators are exempt from this rule, because some run programs like swearkick and idlekick, and it allows them to review transcripts to be sure people are following the rules. The chat room ops are: Goosemoose, suebee, kmw, scout, Dearpie, ratqueen, knuckles, TheChicagoCrew, and Marybelle. 3. The rules of the server we live on (everywherechat.com) also apply to our chat. I don't see guidelines posted on their site, but if one of the admins bans you for illegal behavior, it's out of my jurisdiction. Brodle is the head administrator of everywherechat.com, and hangs out in our room on a regular basis. 4. If you have a problem with a topic of conversation, contact an op. If there are no ops in the room, please send a transcript of the conversation to one of the ops for review. 5. Please remember that we have chatters of ALL ages in the room (see #1). Treat others as you would like to be treated, and please refrain from doing things that would upset or annoy the other chatters in the room. If a number of people in the room ask you to stop doing something, please respect that. The room is meant for conversation, not for personal entertainment at the expense of others. Immature, childish, and rude behavior will NOT be tolerated, and will result in a kick or permanent ban from the chat room. 6. Please also keep in mind that the current topic of conversation may not particularly interest you. Chat is fluid, and changes rapidly. Have patience. If you would like to change the topic, do so respectfully and gently. If it is a rat care question, by all means, ask it. That is why we are there. Side note: if the current conversation is a rat emergency, or is of a sad nature (such as a death), please respect that, and don't start singing showtunes or something. 7. If the conversation seems to get dominated by two people who are talking about a topic that is exclusive to them, and has nothing to do with the rest of the room, those two chatters are asked to take things to private chat message. This can be done by typing: /msg nick message -- that is "/msg" followed by the person's chat nickname, followed by the desired message. In some chat programs, it opens a new window of conversation. In others, it simply includes the conversation inline with the rest of chat, noted by a different color. 8. Our chat room emplys a few automatic programs to keep the room friendly. These include Swearkick and Caps Abuse. If you use a word included in the swearkick library, you will be automatically kicked from the room. Similarly, if you use too many capital letters, you will also be kicked, as too many caps is akin to shouting, and is considered bad manners online. You can come right back in the room if either of these kicks employ, but it will sure get your attention when it happens. Please be respectful of other room members -- it's nothing personal. 9. Everywhere chat has recently added a 14+ rule to its guidelines. Therefore, no one under the age of 14 will be permitted in the chat room at ANY time. If an underage person comes into the room, they will be kicked out by an op. Repeated disregard of this server rule will result in disciplinary action on the forum. |
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