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Here is a list of some of the best rat Web sites that I have found. Many of them are very informative, containing vital information about rat care. Others are just plain fun. If you want to add a site to the list, please e-mail me. Sites market with a WOW! are some of my favorites, and good places to start.

Helpful Info
Sites with very helpful information about rats.

WOW! - Great medical information.
WOW! Virginia's Rat Page - Links to helpful articles, FAQs and much more.
WOW! The Wererat's Lair - Good advice about raising the little guys.
WOW! Rat & Mouse Club of America - The RMCA is a very respected organization, and they deserve it -- they always have great information about rats and mice as pets.
WOW! The Rat Fan Club - Debbie Ducommun, aka The Rat Lady, runs this site and the club.
Critter's Web Site - Rat Section
Pets Warehouse Mouse/Rat Page - I have issues with the section on Housing, but otherwise good information.
The Dapper Rat - an Australian site with some great ideas!

Kid's Basic Guide to Pet Rat & Mouse Care - from the AFRMA.
Pet Rat Information Sheet - from Blackstaff Rats.

The Rats of Alpha Centauri - care info from Estelle

The Kiwi Rat Resource - Rat care information with New Zealanders in mind. Includes e-cards and a cage calculator. Run by Ree and Siana.


Rat Discussion Forums
These pages are a great way to meet and communicate with other rat lovers out there!

WOW! Rats Rule Forum - Please visit the rat discussion forum I founded in February 2000. Still going strong!!


Clubs and Organizations
Another great way to meet other rat folks.

WOW! The Rat Fan Club - Join the club and subscribe to The Rat Report - a great source for those owned by rats.
WOW! Rat & Mouse Club of America - This page has great information about rats and mice as pets. Subscribe to the Rat & Mouse Gazette.
Fat Rat Central - a great site for rat info with a lot of personality.
National Fancy Rat Society - A UK rat club, with good information about rats.
American Fancy Rat & Mouse Association - Yet another rat (and mouse) club.
Pet Rats Canada - Canadian rat club, with a discussion board.
National Alternative Pet Association - Includes all exotics, including non-human primates.


Vet Referrals
It's hard to find a vet who really knows how to care for rats as pets. Here are a few good sources for finding vets that have experience with rats. If you want to add a vet to the list, you can easily do so by e-mailing the authors. If you want me to set up my own vet referral page, let me know.

Rat Fan Club Vet Referral List
RMCA Vet List
How to Find a Good Rat Vet - by Debbie Ducommun of the Rat Fan Club.


Health Care
These sites are devoted to Rat Health Care. Many of the Helpful Info links also have good articles on health care. However, consult your veterinarian.

WOW! Articles on Cedar and Pine Toxicity - Both links to Web pages and a list of published articles.
WOW! Virginia's Rat Page - Includes many links to RMCA articles on Rat Health.
Homeopathic Medicine for Rats - advice on herbal remedies and alternative medicine.
Infectious Diseases of Mice & Rats
Companion Guide to Infectious Diseases of Mice and Rats


Products and Accessories
These are all sites that either manufacture or sell products that I recommend for rats, and for the humans that love them.

WOW! Kim's Ark - Lots of great rat supplies, and proceeds go to help Kim's Ark Rat Rescue!
WOW! The Ferret Store - Excellent resource for small pet accessories. Ferret-centric, but good for rats, too!
WOW! Dearpie's Hammocks - GREAT fleece rat hammocks!
WOW! RatsRule Zazzle Store - Stuff for the humans. Proceeds support the Rats Rule Discussion Forum. In association with
WOW! RatsRule CafePress Store - Stuff for the humans. Proceeds support the Rats Rule Discussion Forum.
The Rat Refuge - Beautiful rat hammocks for sale and wonderful pictures of one rat litter's first 4 weeks of life.

Rat.Nap - Hammocks and other accessories.

Cell Sorb Plus - Another bedding alternative.
PJ Murphy Forest Products - Makers of Sani-Chips pet bedding.

WOW! Martin's Cages - Highly respected cage manufacturer. I have an R-695 (Rat Skyscraper) and an R-680 (Rat Lodge)-- they're fantastic!
Ferret Nation - Makers of Ferret cages popular with rat lovers.
Ware Manufacturing - Makers of cages for small animals.

Harlan Teklad - Makers of lab blocks endorsed and sold by RMCA and Kim's Ark.
LabDiet - More info about the Purina Mills product.
Mazuri - Another manufacturer of the Purina Mills product with the most useful info.

Innova Senior - the dog food brand I feed my rats. Petgrass - All natural, organically grown wheatgrass. A wonderfully healthy treat, and a good source of Vitamin K!

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Photos of Rat Varieties & Markings
So many people ask, "What color is my rat?" So, as I find sites that have good photos, I will add links to them here.

WOW! Grove Pashley Photography - Bar none, the best rat photos I have ever seen!
AFRMA Fancy Rats & Mice - Standards with photos.
RMCA Rat Standards - Has a large photo labeled with a few varieties.
Silver Stone Rattery - Most of the site is in Dutch, but with a little mind power, translation to English is not so hard in most cases.

Breeders of rats for pets. First section contains sites with breeder lists, the second section features selected ratteries (if you want to be added to the list, let me know!). I do not rate or evaluate the breeders listed below. Please be sure to interview any potetial breeder, asking for references and visit the rattery, if possible. If you find a rattery listed here to be disreputable, please let me know so I can remove them from the list. This includes breeders who practice culling in any form -- this list is a CULL-FREE ZONE. Thank you.

NAPA Rodent Breeder List - List of breeders compiled by the National Alternative Pet Association.
Virginia's Rat Breeder List - Geographical, including Australia, Canada, England and USA.
The Rat Rehoming Register - Ratties that need new homes in the United Kingdom.
Google: Ratteries - Alphabetical, not geographical. Covers only ratteries with web sites.

United States
WOW!Spoiled Ratten Rattery - Kansas City, Missouri.
WOW!RatPile - Connecticut
Maplewood Rattery - Long Island, New York. (breeding currently on hold)
Tweekers Rattery - Southern Ohio.
Catalyst Rattery - Santa Clarita, California.
Cannon Rattery - Atlanta, Georgia.
Happy Tails Rattery - Austin, Texas

UK & Europe
Cosmic Squeak Rattery - Manchester, England
Estelle's Rattery - North Somerset, UK.


These sites are run by various rat rescues worldwide

Kim's Ark - Kim's Ark rescues rats on the east coast, concentrating in the Mid Atlantic and New England. They support themselves by selling many wonderful products.
Any Rat Rescue - An Arizona-based rat rescue that supports itself with sales of hammocks and other items.
Wee Companions - San Diego, CA-based rescue.
Rat Rescue Directory - a directory of various rescues, maintained by BabyBlue.


Naming Your Rat
These sites offer lots of ideas for naming your new rat!

WOW! Suebee's Rat Names - My own list of names, compiled from many sources.
World Wide Pet Names
Behind the Name - Etymoligies for many names.
DADA's Little Baby Namer
Alfabette Zoope - Unusual names. Names


News of the Weird
Some of the weird and intriguing articles involving rats.

I'm looking for links... preferably stuff with permanent URLs.


Fun Rat Pages
These sites have some fun stuff in them, or are just generally entertaining.

WOW! LOLRats -, eat your heart out!
WOW! Rat Web Cam!
WOW! OMSI Rat Cam!
WOW! Pamela Anderson's Rat Harness - No, not THAT Pamela...
WOW! Rat's Guide to Responsible Human Ownership - Hilarious look at humans from a rat's point of view. With great drawings and pics.
WOW! Redwall Abbey - Rodent-lovers will adore these books by Brian Jacques. Spend time with the denizens of Mossflower.
Pet Rat Photos - Checks out photos send in by rat enthusiasts all over the world!
Five Furry Fuzzbombs - A great little site with all kinds of rat info.
Rat Bar - Listing of Rats in TV and movies.
The RAG (Rodents are Great) - Site by a rat-lover/stand-up comedian. - Rat bytes are a good read.
Trading Cages - Take-off on Trading Spaces... what happens when your rats let Doug into their cage??


Rats Rule Forum
Forum Rules

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Rat Care Info
Rat Care Info
Suebee's Rat Diet
Homemade Treats
Wheatgrass Growing

Cage Calculator

RMCA Drug Chart
RFC Helpful Info
Cedar/Pine Toxicity
Rat Links

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Rat Jewelry

Martin's Cages

Suebee's Rats
Celebrity Rats
Rat Baths
Name Database


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